About me

Welcome to my Homepage. My name is Dr Srinivasa Ramanujam Kannan (aka Dr S R Kannan). I am an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Sciences at IIT Bhubaneswar. Feel free to navigate around my website to know more about my research. To learn about specific research topics of my interest, go through my publications list, or see what my students currently work on.

I predominantly work on interdisciplinary topics ranging from thermal remote sensing to energy and applications.


Major research topics under my focus are:

  1. Thermal radiation
  2. Atmospheric Science
  3. Active/passive microwave remote sensing
  4. Non-linear Optimization techniques
  5. Machine learning
  6. Modelling and weather forecasting
  7. Industrial heat transfer


If you are a second or third-year undergrad student and have some extra time to make use of, I have a few short term projects for you to work on. 

Still, confused? Feel free to write to me.